Friday, July 15, 2011

My EFT story

It was a perfect morning for land paddling a sport that combines a longboard skateboard with a big stick also known as a land paddle. As I have just been invited to join Paddlers for humanity on their September paddle to Block Island I was stoked as I could be, I have been stand up paddle boarding for the last four years and land paddling for the last year. This was going to be the fulfillment of one of my dreams. Many years ago I heard about the Montauk Indians paddling there canoe to Block Island to fight with the tribe that lived there. I thought that if they could paddle across Block Island sound which is basically the Atlantic Ocean, in a canoe and I wanted to paddle to Block Island in a kayak. But once I saw the group Paddlers for humanity do the trip in mass I really wanted in too! So 5 AM land paddling down the quiet roads of Westhampton beach and Quiogue I would go just after sun up . Just like the last run down the ski slope when you are overtired that's when
you make your first and last mistake, Jonathan would say stick to the water. So there you go , the King of the road bicyclists, runners, walkers and the dogs with their humans in tow would stair and smile as I am rolling down the road in search clean, fresh and smooth asphalt. As a middle-age man and pushing the envelope a little bit with this as my new passion the water forgive us a fall as long you do not hit your board but the road shows no mercy it does not give one inch. As my father said to me once we're really not that much different from a grape, drop us hard enough and we will bust just like a grape. so into the parking lot of the high school I attended when I was young. Everything changes and this place was on steroids it got huge more buildings, it was kind of amazing. As I looked out at the football field and track thinking about past glory and past tragedy as on that field I dislocated my shoulder playing football. I was amazed that the had got rid of the speed bumps in the high school parking lot, but I was wrong on our side by the tennis courts there it was. I'm no daredevil I am just trying to stay fit and enjoy the physical part of my existence dealing with the outside world and everyday life provides enough adrenaline for me. So I slow roll over the speed bump and the next thing I know the board shoots out I didn't flip my feet hit the ground from a surf stance I roll and pop-up on my feet, but wait there's something wrong my right sneaker is pointing out to the side and as I am not bowlegged this is very wrong. I cannot went my right foot on the ground this is a big problem, with my kahuna big stick in hand I hop to the grass on the side of the parking lot my first thought OMG you broke your leg second thought you dislocated your ankle and definitely sprained left ankle! So what can you do? I left the house with out my cell phone or wallet because nothing could possibly happen to me, yeah right! So I think to myself it's time to put your tools of healing into first hand use. The ground is healing I met, worked on and read information from Dr. Stephen Sinatra and I agree that the earth itself provides us with healing energy. Next pain management this hurts what is pain but the nervous system registering stimulus in conveying it to the brain. So after spending the winter getting certified in EFT emotional freedom technique and using it with friends, family and a handful clients I turn my full attention to me. The acknowledgment of an issue or trauma is a big component of EFT so I start tapping I acknowledge that I may have broken leg but that's okay I acknowledge the pain and that the pain is okay and with every moment I tap my acupressure points I tell myself the pain is less and less and it becomes less and less not gone but minimal except when I put down my right foot. So I sit and I tap and I tell my body that no matter what I have done it is already starting to heal. I love and respect my body and its ability to heal. The principles of EFT are to acknowledge the situation and then to overlay a new program into the body the brain and nervous system the positive affirmation is power stuff! I am also doing Reiki on both my ankles alternating between rounds of EFT and the energy of Reiki and I'm feeling very optimistic that with some ice I will be on my way to work on clients in East Hampton in five hours rest ice and compression right. A good Samaritan out on his morning walk see me and asked if I need help. I asked if he has a cell phone, he replies no but he is a former EMS and once the baseball coach at the high school. When looked at my ankle he said it looks dislocated if you do it it may not be broken unfortunately he was wrong. He did ask did you try to put it back in place I replied no, then reach down grabbed my sneaker interns my foot back straight not realizing that it dislocated ankle is no relation to it dislocated shoulder. So while is good Samaritan walked back to his house to get his truck I continued doing my EFT sequences tapping for healing tapping for pain relief tapping for the highest outcome of this event. While I was doing this I was also fighting the old urge or superstition that someone had jinxed me. I turned my thoughts to what is the universe trying to teach me in this moment. It did not seem fortunate that my insurance had lapsed into not seem fortunate that I would be unable to work for space of time. I was fortunate that after I got home my neighbor was available to drive me to the hospital. I was fortunate to get wonderful care act Peconic Bay medical Center. Although I wonderful bill to go along with their wonderful service. I also got the chance to practice doing EFT on myself in a medical setting, when the nurses asked me if I wanted something for pain I replied I already got something. After my surgery the nurses asked me wanted something for pain, they observed me tapping and asked what you doing I told him I was managing my pain is speeding up my healing process. I told them all about my multiple trips to San Francisco where I studied EFT with Sonya Sophia. After my surgery despite the kindness of the nursing staff my main interest was getting out of the hospital and getting home so I could continue to work undistracted on my healing process. I made several phone calls to several friends and heard nothing my battery was dead on myself and I have three numbers memorized in my head. Unfortunately is very difficult to get from the switchboard to the recovery room and everyone's calls were not getting back to me. I had to minutes before they were going to force me to stay overnight when Ronnie Desiderio massage therapists and water sports videographer came to my rescue and got me out of Dodge. Big ups as we would say to Mr. Ronnie D! The following week I did EFT three times a day I juiced I did Reiki on myself my friend Liz of Shiva Now did Reiki with me at the same time and wow you really feel intense heat on the outside of my ankle and inside my leg. My first doctor's visit after the hospital I went to North Fork Orthopedics and sports medicine John with physicians assistant to got my cast and said Wow that's beautiful I had no swelling no black and blues only some Staples and a line where they put in the plate and and nine titanium screws. I insisted that I needed to get back to work and wanted green light, he continued to say you just had major surgery and you won't be going back to work anytime soon. Which would be understandable under standard circumstances, I'm not a standard guy. I work that next week from my home office in Quiogue. A few days later I hired a massage therapy assistant and recruited a handful backup, I have got two good hands and one good leg there is nothing that should prevent me from working except not being able to drive or carry my table. So on my crutches and with my assistance I made more than half of my usual Fourth of July holiday appointments. I continued doing EFT to work on some of my discomfort and some of my anxiety about not working as much as I normally do and having all of these new bills from the hospital coming in. EFT is not the be all end all of treatments but it is an incredibly handy tool to use on yourself or to study and get certified to practice on others. Four weeks and four days and it could be been four hours Dr. Carter looks at my x-rays and says do you want this thing off, I said yes as soon as possible. So I am learning to use my right leg the way I used to and I am feeling very much like my old self but much improved. With love and light sincerely Gene Hamilton LMT

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