Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Having fun and getting fit!

Having fun is surely the best way of getting fit and getting fit is the road to wellness and well-being which is the goal of all of us. Stand up paddle boarding has taken off as much as or even more than rollerblading when rollerblading was all the rage. As a stand up paddle board enthusiast myself I can see how this ancient Hawaiian pastime has become the rage of a modern-day. The cool thing about this is that it's hard to be stupid on a stand up paddle, you must stay centered and balanced or you will fall in and get wet, now isn't that a great metaphor for life. I find that not living in East Hampton I do not have the same water access, although like always I am surrounded by water. What life in Quiogue does have is very quiet roads were land paddling which is for those who don't know a longboard skateboard with a land paddle made by Kahuna creations they call it the big stick which they have upgraded their design this year. This summer aside from massage and lots of people and doing EFT emotional freedom technique on the beach I have started a paddle boarding group called the Aqua Terra suppers club for people who love to roll out and drop in. I also feel very fortunate to have been introduced to kundalini yoga by my friend Konstantina of urban tranquility. As we all know nutrition is also a huge component in wellness you are what you eat in a manner of speaking. I've been enjoying the results of green juices and high enzyme fruit smoothies. It is my hope that I will see you on the water or on the road on the beach or on the massage table. Many blessings stay inspired much love Gene Hamilton LMT and EFT practitioner!