Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The thought for today is to remember to breath,breath in love and breath out stress ! Gene Hamilton LMT

Monday, June 14, 2010

New work spaces

Hello friends,

I have opened myself to new spaces and places I am very happy to say I am working with the Juicy Naam and Personal Best so I'm now covering the Hampton's with my healing vibrations even more than ever. I have also been inspired to study yoga my new goal is to take teacher training in the fall when things slow down a bit. Things are looking very good and hope they will get even better! Stay well! stay happy! you are blessed!Gene Hamilton LMT

Friday, June 4, 2010

What we eat !

Hello Friends,
Feeling a little fuzzy it could be from the fish,If you eat open water big fish they are very high in Mercury as are freshwater fish that's a bummer but the smaller( as in younger ) the fish the less mercury .I just checked out the symptoms of mercury poisoning and holy smokes it could fit a lot of people I know including me. The plastic in cans brakes done and ends up in the body use glass packaging for liquids and sauces . I would pass on canned beans I'm switching to dried beans and frozen veggies when I can't get fresh. Eat organic ,pesticide on food is another big problem if it's on your food it's in your body so if you can grow what you can . Think healthy and be healthy all the best to you all Gene Hamilton LMT .