Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dealing with ups and downs !

It is very important that when life throws you a curve that you don't let it get you down. There is a silver lining to every cloud the trick is to look for it. It might not be easy to find but the act of looking is the first thing that will shack off the feeling of annexed the sun is always shining somewhere you just need to go where the sun is a that place is in your heart,with your family and friends. Move your body and feel how good it feels to be alive do something that brings you joy find something that makes you laugh. The power to change you life and your situation is in you always the power to get what you need is yours and yours alone. Embrace the love that is you and do something that makes your body feel good like get a massage,take a stream or even a hot bath can do wonders for your sense of well being Blessings and Love Gene !

Friday, September 25, 2009

Reiki and Massage combo !

Doing Reiki and Massage is a great way to give your clients both physically and energetically !I have been doing this on a few client and they have said how much more the are getting out of there treatment ! I will be going to the Omega Institute to see John of God Mon-Tue then back to work in NYC ! Enjoy the day and keep you thoughts on only the good things in life and you will get more good things Gene !

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Working in NYC/Massage &Wellness Retreat !

It is a nice change of pace to be working in the City. I have such great client that all I can say is thank you all. After 20 plus years of doing this work I love it more then ever. Next I start planning the first Massage and Wellness Retreat It could be a camping,snorkeling and hiking trip to St.John or St.Croix with morning Tia Chi or Yoga and a daily massage or stretching session . One a month till June is still the plan. The Inner Chef will be cooking and juicing for your guest and I thing we will hit 5 Island or 4 and Costa Rica ! Feel the Love all around you every day enjoy ,love and laugh sincerely Gene Hamilton LMT !

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spiritual book club !

We are becoming more aware of the mind body connection the idea of doing a spiritual book club came from a beautiful day on the beach with Liza who shared her idea with me , we where talking about the uplifting things we have had the opportunity to read and that it would be fun and enriching to share other peoples thoughts on the vast array of Spiritual and metaphysical topics. Because where the mind goes so does the body and scents the soul travels with the body they are all on the same bus. I feel that if we are driving your own bus we can take it to a better place we just need the right map for the trip ! Enjoy your life Love and Laugh everyday Gene !

Monday, September 21, 2009

Anti-inflammatory Diet

The anti-inflammatory diet !

The anti-inflammatory diet is one of the best ways a person can maintain their health and wellness. The average person needs to consume between 2000 and 3000 calories a day depending on size muscle mass and activity level. It is recommended that women consume between 160 and 200 g of carbohydrates a day and men between 240 and 300 g a day always being mindful to stay away from processed carbohydrates such as white flour ,pasta's and simple sugars. More preferable brown rice and whole grains in the full range of vegetables. Since the body needs fat to function it is the recommended that your fat intake comes from things like avocados, walnuts, almonds and cashews. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in many cold water fish such as sardines, herring, black cod and butter fish, other omega-3 fatty acids can be found in flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil. It is important to minimize the amount of protein consumed from animal sources although I have to say steak is quite delicious and increase your consumption of fish, I would suggest that you stay away from large open water fish in any great quantity such as swordfish, tuna and shark. These larger fish are par concentrations of mercury in their tissue from industrial pollution. I found it quite remarkable that by increasing the amount of vegetables I consume but I produced my weight and decrease the amount of joint pain I encounter from the many hours of massage therapy I do a week. I hope you find this information helpful and is always I'm wishing you joy love and laughter sincerely Gene Hamilton LMT !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good thoughts for a slow day!

Going into the Spa it is slow. But you never know what could be manifested in ones day. Could be a very good day for a long walk on the beach ! I'll bring my surf casting rod. Wellness tip for the day, what ever life gives you flow with it you can always find a up side to anything if you look had enough ! Massage tip for the day for tiered hands put your hand palm up on your thigh and with the piont of your elbow work the muscle between the bones and in the meat of the thumb oh baby it feels good. Enjoy your life Love and laugh Gene Hamilton LMT !

Friday, September 18, 2009

Off to NYC for a massage network party! Think healthly,stretch,drink water and get your massage . Life is short so feel good as much as you can !
Enjoy,Love and Laugh : ) Gene !

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Swedish Massage

Good morning today I would like to discuss the basics of Swedish massage . This form of massage was one of the earliest forms in Western civilization to be put down in a textbook
Format. Although many people think Swedish massage is a very light relaxing treatment, it was really designed to be very therapeutic. The main strokes in Swedish massage are Effleurage a long gliding stroke with the Palm, thumbs or fingers.Petriassage, a kneading movement with the hands. Friction beepers circular pressure with the palms fingers or thumbs. Percussion, tapping or hacking with the hands which can be used to stimulate the nerves or sedate the nerves and muscles when done for a long duration of time. The final component of Swedish massage is active or passive stretching. In both sports massage and deep tissue massage you find the basics of Swedish massage at their foundation, these foundational movements are applied with more focus and intent when doing both sports massage and deep tissue. The final point on Swedish massage is that it increases circulation soon as the nervous system increases the flow of lymph through the body and increases peristalsis the movement of waste through the smooth muscles of the intestines. Enjoy your day, love and laugh as much as you can sincerely Gene Hamilton LMT a.k.a. Eugene !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Neck, back and shoulders!

On my morning walk I came across a house painter that I've been acquainted with that was complaining about neck and shoulder pain from doing ceilings. This gave me an idea, there were many times when the person does not have the time or money for a full hour massage but nonetheless still needs work on their bodies, so it came to me that I should offer 15 or 30 minutes of neck back and shoulder work. I will offer 15 minutes of chair massage and 30 minutes of neck back and shoulders on the table in my home office. This way I could reach more people with out putting a strain on their budget and still giving them an opportunity to receive quality therapy. Rates at about $25 for chair massage and $50 for neck back and shoulder massage on the table, $40 for full body assisted stretching. I feel like this is a great way to loosen up the community and get more use from my healing space! Enjoy, love and laugh sincerely Gene Hamilton LMT.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enjoying a beautiful day!

Yes it is so simple that it sometimes escapes our mind that just enjoying a beautiful day can lower your blood pressure and increase your of state well-being. This is what I have planned for today along with getting a massage on the beach. It is important for all therapists to take time out and renew their energy so they can always do the best work possible for clients. Another important thing to do is to stretch and create space in your muscles so that blood can flow freely through your body we also know how very important it is to remain hydrated water is such a key element to a healthy life and healthy body. I will be heading into New York to work tomorrow this will be the first time this year and I'm very excited to set up my fall schedule! Also note that with the new moon there will be new possibilities in a fresh wave of energy please make sure that you take advantage of the cyclical flows of our environment. Just like surfing when the waves comes you must be in alignment and proper position in order to get the best ride so enjoy love and laugh life is a beautiful thing!

Monday, September 14, 2009


stands for emotional freedom technique, this technique uses acupressure points with verbal commands to address the emotional components that affects our health. Also referred to as tapping are many resources you can find on the web and many free videos on YouTube. The official EFT website provides 100 page manual to download for free or at least they used to I haven't checked lately. I've been practicing EFT on myself for the last year and have found it to be a very helpful practice to manage some of the emotional ups and downs that come with everyday life. So remember to stay focused and stay present and keep your personal compass pointed in a positive direction I can guarantee this will serve you very well. Know that you are blessed because you are alive on planet Earth and enjoy every moment of your day!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It is a beautiful day in the Hamptons

As I prepare for my Sunday appointments
I'm also preparing for my new city schedule, this will be a very exciting new chapter in the therapeutic world of Gene Hamilton . At the present time I am also working on my massage and wellness retreats. One trip a month from February through June in the sunny Caribbean . Also I found a great location in Northwest Woods for massage and wellness weekends in the fall . Retreats and weekends filled with organic food, massage,yoga or Tia chi ,medition,snorkling,kayaking and much more ! All food cooked by the Inner Chef .

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Grounding !

Yesterday as I did a massage on Dr. Steve Sinatra he discussed the importance of being grounded this meeting being grounded to the earth. This is not grounded to the earth in some airy fairy way but a very tangible and scientific way. The concept is so simple and so basic that most of us do this automatically. The earth has free electrons bouncing around at all times by spending time with your bare feet on the ground your body absorbs these electrons and it is amazing the health benefits you receive by this simple practice. His new book should be coming out in January with all the research about this simple practice. Try it you'll like it is free!

Clear intent

This morning's thought is that it is very important to start your day off with a clear intent. Do not leave your day to chance, in your mind hold an image of how you want your day to go. Whether you are working or playing always imagine you were getting all you want out of your activity. Also what you put into your body is what you get out of your body and what you put into your mind is what you get out of your mind. Fill your life with love, joy and laughter, then you will be on your way to a full and beautiful life!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lost my first post! Had a great day of massage and busy weekend. Met Dr.Sinatra very interesting man !